

顯示71個中的第13 - 18個


我瘋狂地愛上了她。我們開始在FilipinoCupid上聊天。 我瘋狂地愛上了她。我們開始在FilipinoCupid上聊天。


我找到了一個溫柔誠實的好男人和我永遠的愛 ❤️ 我找到了一個溫柔誠實的好男人和我永遠的愛 ❤️


我的伴侶在這個平臺上找到了我,經過幾次聊天,我們決定見面。我們的第一次見面... 我的伴侶在這個平臺上找到了我,經過幾次聊天,我們決定見面。我們的第一次見面是很棒,儘管我們是異地戀,但我們的關係一直很牢固,也很幸福。非常感謝!

From the moment we met, a deep and genuine love sparked between us—it was truly magical.

I met a kind-hearted person from the USA who wasted no time flying to the Philippines to meet me in person. From the moment we met, a deep and genuine love sparked between us—it was truly magical. A heartfelt thank you to the FilipinoCupid team for making this possible; your plat... I met a kind-hearted person from the USA who wasted no time flying to the Philippines to meet me in person. From the moment we met, a deep and genuine love sparked between us—it was truly magical. A heartfelt thank you to the FilipinoCupid team for making this possible; your platform has been life-changing for me. To God, be the glory! Wishing everyone the best of luck in their own love stories. 💖

From the moment we met, a deep and genuine love sparked between us—it was truly magical.

I met a kind-hearted person from the USA who wasted no time flying to the Philippines to meet me in person. From the moment we met, a deep and genuine love sparked between us—it was truly magical. A heartfelt thank you to the FilipinoCupid team for making this possible; your plat... I met a kind-hearted person from the USA who wasted no time flying to the Philippines to meet me in person. From the moment we met, a deep and genuine love sparked between us—it was truly magical. A heartfelt thank you to the FilipinoCupid team for making this possible; your platform has been life-changing for me. To God, be the glory! Wishing everyone the best of luck in their own love stories. 💖

Our personalities and life goals and expectations

I've had a really good experience on FilipinoCupid. But I did meet one particular lady who has become someone very special and important to me. Our personalities and life goals and expectations line up, and I'm pursuing a long-term, committed relationship with her. So now I sa... I've had a really good experience on FilipinoCupid. But I did meet one particular lady who has become someone very special and important to me. Our personalities and life goals and expectations line up, and I'm pursuing a long-term, committed relationship with her. So now I say goodbye to FilipinoCupid, hopefully for good. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I'm hoping that it's a happy and healthy life together. To all of the lovely Filipinas out there, still waiting for your match: Be patient. He's out there. Just don't allow your anxiousness to cause you to compromise your standards. To all of my fellow men: Be kind. Be compassionate. Be the kind of man who deserves the attention of these beautiful women.