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Over 60

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65 Euclid, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 45
Are we compatible?? (or, can you at least put up with me)?!?! 1) I don’t like dogs 2) I don’t like to dance, but I like music (Reggae, Rock, Big Band, other) 3) I don’t believe in God. 4) Raised in a Jewish family but don’t follow it. 5) I’m wry, sarcastic, objective, cynical, pessimistic, and a closet degenerate (but a sweetie at heart)! 6) Alcoholics welcome. Druggies unwelcome. 6) My wardrobe: garage sale chic; everything I’m wearing now is used, except my underwear (my underpants were new when I put them on 3 weeks ago). 8) Please do not use the term, “single and ready to mingle” 9) Please do not use vague generic cliché buzzwords like ‘no games,’ ‘no drama,’ etc., without defining them (come to think of it, don’t use them even if you do define them). 10) Please do not use the phrase, “goal digger not a gold digger” 11) I don’t care for a woman who always wears tons of make-up. Little or NO make-up is preferred. I don't mind a 'clingy' woman. 12) I don’t like ‘change’ (Unless I’m the one who makes the change)! 13) I watch: Cartoons, news, crime documentaries, conservative talk shows, 3-Stooges. 14) I DO NOT want to argue with anyone at any time (except professionally (I'm a lawyer))! 15) I want my home to be peaceful and conflict free at all times. 16) I would like my home to be neat and orderly by the reality is I am too disorganized and lazy to keep it that way. 17) I Don’t ascribe to any political party but I lean toward Libertarianism. 18) I’m too stupid to use my ‘Smart TV’ 19) I don’t know if ‘Netflix’ is a network or a TV show (nor why everyone seems to wanna watch it). 20) If you warm your coffee in the microwave—say, for 45 seconds….that’s 45 seconds you will never have back again. 21) Who came up with all these new words--and how does everyone (except me) seem to know of them?? (‘woke,’ ‘maga,’ ‘GenZ (or X, etc),’ ‘millennial,’ ‘GIF,’ ‘Ghost’ ‘streaming,’ ‘the cloud,’ ‘gaslighting,’ ‘ransomware.’ ‘meme,’ ‘Netflix,’ …and so on). 22) All humans are equal (or, at least, they start that way)! 23) Who decided Women must cover their breasts in public but men necessarily need not? 24) I’m a white Caucasian male in the USA. I am a minority. I’m the only ‘me’ on the planet. 25). White black Asian or green with stripes, all welcome to contact me 26), You may be saying, 'OMG this guy's a complete NUT,' but at least I can spehl (thank goodness for ‘spell-check’!!)  If you’re actually still reading this (and don’t think I’m a complete ass) then give me a shout and we can chat!!!
75 Euclid, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Male 36 - 57
63 Euclid, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 52
Michael J
62 Euclid, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Female 32 - 52
63 Euclid, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 51