
Taurus Canadian Men Interested in Penpals

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1 - 35 of 100
58 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 45 - 55
Star sign: Taurus
63 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 44 - 60
Star sign: Taurus
56 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
Star sign: Taurus
61 Milton, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 33 - 45
Star sign: Taurus
In The Matrix, the Oracle points Neo to an inscription over her door - “Temet Nosce“. Know thyself – that’s so much easier said than done. if there is one word that succinctly describes me, it would be "eclectic". that being said, grab a bag of popcorn, sit tight and start perusing my ramblings ... actually, i'm a man of few words. a bit shy, it takes more to coax me into talking than it would an average person. but when i get going, i can talk about anything. my interest has to be piqued though. i'm a lazy writer, but when inspired, i can ramble on. by the way, i hate and seldom say things twice. describe myself. it will be a feat. either i'm too abstract, too simple, or my vocabulary is simply no bigger than my height. can't do it with mere descriptive terms. so i figure if you can't describe something with inert adjectives, describe it by how it operates. operative desription, that's it. so here goes ... i like watching hockey, basketball and baseball, but only when toronto is playing. compete in bowling, high-handicapped in golf, but mean in tabletennis. so-so in pool, fast in badminton, but dwarfed in basketball. aimless at darts, smart in bridge, a choker in poker, and creative in pictionary. no good in headgames and i abhor it. i enjoy kayaking/canoeing, especially when i'm the first soul to break the still of the water at the break of dawn. love the physical exertion, the rhythm and grace of the motion, and the tranquility of the surroundings. love to watch the streak that i leave behind on the mirror water. love to watch the sun rise as it starts to warm my face and as the gentle ripples slowly spread away from the rising sun's sparkling reflection. i would try just about any sport given the chance. some of the more relaxing activities that i would like to try are sky-diving, rock-climbing and hang-gliding. i love watching movies. prefer sci-fi, action, adventure and biographies of great people. generally watch all kinds, just hate those that are produced by people who think viewers are dumb. movies that leave me thinking in the end "hmm,what if..?" are always a good watch. i may hate mushy movies, still i'm truIy a hardcore romantic. but my take on romance is not limited to most people's conventional concept. it is not only the ardent attraction between two people and the circumstances under which they manifest their affection. when there is something that elicits strong feelings within us -- whether love and hate, happiness and sadness, harmony and conflict, or jubilation and despair, and in the end we are nevertheless touched by the beauty of it all, that is all about romance. it's not easy to describe -- perhaps, this can only be appreciated by sensitive and perceptive people. romantic individuals. case in point -- the movie "Hero". for me, this is not merely a "kung fu" flick. it is very much so a "romantic" movie. But not for obvious reasons like – a protagonist sacrificing his life to prove his love for his woman, a servant’s undying loyalty to her master, and the main hero, after all that he’s done to be able to avenge his family, when finally face-to-face with his tormentor, ultimately changes heart, for the sake of the greater good – that of his country. The bigger romance in this movie is not the story, but rather, the presentation. There is beauty all around, all the time. sights and sounds. Sure it may seem unreal – fantastic martial arts, mystical characters and exotic backdrops. But it is precisely the presentation of these elements that brings out the awe of the movie’s romantic beauty. It is not violence, but rather, art – in motion. The beauty of human form and movement. Even in little things there is so much beauty. imagine this scene, in slow-motion -- a beautiful warrior princess glides through the air, the graceful waves of her silk-white kimono behind her, swings her sword, making a swooshing and humming sound, slices through a pile of autumn-red colored leaves, lifting them up into the air, and they fly with the wake of the sword's wind. and the background music, a perfect harmony of the sounds of a cello, bamboo flute, chinese harp, gongs, and even the ruffling of the leaves, and the clang and hum of clashing swords. music is one of my passions. i "feel" the music. it can put me in a trance, touch my soul, or blow my mind. it can make me fall in love, if not pain my heart. given the chance, i'd learn the sax, violin and drums. i'm a frustrated musician, although i've made small achievements in piano and flute. my taste in music is eclectic (save hard rock or metal). my collection consists of classical (e.g., mozart, beethoven, vivaldi, pachelbel), mainstream jazz (e.g., dave brubeck), fusion jazz (e.g., st. germain, fourplay), latin (e.g., santana, sergio mendes), new age (e.g., yanni, enya), classic rock (e.g., earth, wind & fire, barry white), oldies (e.g., platters, righteous bros.), and some dance and pop. i like to dance.
56 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 29 - 48
Star sign: Taurus

