
Canadian Men with Glasses Interested in Friendship

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62 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 28 - 52
Eye wear:
60 Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female 28 - 46
Eye wear:
Never married, Christian man. I am a simple man in many ways Something as simple as making dinner together , something so simple but to me something beautiful and romantic too Simple pleasures make me happy send e male add. ! And cuddling Holding your hand , whenever we walk together. my name Carey Lyons Just a simple loving touch or soft kiss Knowing , your smiling because of something I said or did for you , will make me happy Romance can be simple too, little loves notes for you to find, making us a candle light dinner. I am a great cook !! Surprising you with little gifts , that I picked along my travels because I was thinking of you, and I would know there would be a moment , when you needed to be reminded how special you are and how important your are to my life I can see beauty in life and in people who think they are not. I do not understand why it has been so hard to find a woman who will accept me for the man I am and for my virtues and my faults. Been with women who say I Love You now will you change into my dream version of the man I want or what I think you should be If a woman says she loves me ,you should accept me for the man I am,,agree?? Why do woman want me to change? into a man they think they want ?? Instead of loving and accepting me for who I am This is life not a fairy tale. I am not a bad man but, I met many women it seems that is a quality they like in their men. I am not sure where nice guys get this reputation of being boring and not fun. I am solid and my word and integrity is very important. My faith and Love for God will not let me be otherwise. I am also young at heart and the way I think is young too. I am a man with a little boy inside , who is playful,fun and sometimes naughty In mischievous flirty kind of way, with my lady. I am also all man , when its needed, and wanted When I use the words my lady ,my woman " mine Its not about ownership I say mine , because I want no other and because I am yours too Someday , maybe you will be mine and I will be so honored and proudly be yours. Carey
54 Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 30 - 52
Eye wear:
Hi! Please take the things I'm about to say with a grain of salt--I'm not perfect, and don't act like I'm Mr. Perfect, okay? I'm Rob, a youthful looking, intelligent (I hope!), considerate, loyal, fun-loving, and romantic man of mixed First Nations (i.e. North American Indian) and Irish-Canadian descent who’s looking for that special someone to spend the rest of his life with. Although I've worked for non-profit, non-governmental organizations as a policy analyst, coordinator, research officer, and project manager here in Canada most of my life, I'm tempted to move to an Asian country such as the Philippines and perhaps work as a native English legal translator because I'm fascinated by Asian culture(s), and greatly admire the way that people live their lives overseas (needless to say, I hope to learn to speak fluent Tagalog). Indeed, I’m highly attracted to the prospect of living among people such as yours who value goodness and happiness so much; moreover, I seem to get along quite well with Asian people in general and Filipina women in particular (at least the ones that I’ve known here in Canada), and greatly admire how important family seems to be to them. In any event, the thing that matters to me above all else is that I myself be a good man in all ways as much as I can, and that I treat others with fairness, compassion, and respect. Although I haven't married or had children of my own (because I was too busy with my work when I was younger), I’m now looking to settle down with a women who's smart, kind, and fun-loving--regardless of whether or not she has children (personally, I love kids--and cats and dogs, too). And just to be clear, 'smart' doesn't necessarily mean that she has to be 'book-smart' or well-educated, although I'm proud of the fact that I myself have earned a Bachelor's Degree in History and also attend two years of law school. In my spare time, I like to: read and talk about politics, cinema, philosophy, and science; see movies and go to karaoke; and meet up with friends to watch mixed martial arts fighting, play pool/billiards, or simply ‘hang out.’ In the near future, I'd also like to start going back to the gym and exercising more (to regain my natural athletic body-build and live a longer, healthier life); start walking more and maybe even take up hiking or bike-riding; and travel abroad more to see parts of the world I haven’t seen yet (so far, I’ve only been to the continental U.S.A. Hawaii, England, France, and Portugal). As for the question of who I am and what I specifically stand for, I'm an existentialistic First Nations spiritualist who's beginning to explore Buddhism; as such, I care deeply about social equity, human rights, women's equality, and Mother Earth (i.e. the environment). Don’t understand what I mean?—That’s okay: we can discuss it when we chat as we get to know one another better. Oh, yes, I have one more thing to add: I’m a fairly non-judgemental person and am flexible in terms of my ability to accommodate others or accept them despite any minor flaws they might have (after all, like I said above: nobody is perfect, myself included). This also means that I'm highly respectful of diversity in others’ cultures and outlooks on life; and am also even a bit of a romantic, as I’d love to show you (pun intended) if we ‘hit it off.’ :) In summary, at the end of the day, I obviously care more about inner attributes than outer appearances or materialistic things in general, for the most part, although I do like to live comfortably and expect to provide any future life-partner of mine (and her family, too, of course) with a reasonable degree of added material comfort and security to what she has already achieved on her own. So, take a chance on me: at worst you may end up with a new friend rather than a lover, and you can never have too many friends, can you? And at the very best, you may find a spirited, gentle, and caring soul-mate who loves your company and shares your values. So let’s see if we’re meant to spend a lifetime together revelling in both our commonalities and our differences—I dare you! Cheers!  The most important things to me in a girlfriend or potential are a good heart and a reasonably sharp mind (her degree of 'book learning' notwithstanding); as long as a woman has these things, her education, politics, or religion don't matter to me. The reason that I'm considering dating and perhaps one day ing a Filipina woman is that they seem to me to be high-minded (i.e. tend to think about the greater good) and highly considerate, positive, and very loving of family and friends. It also doesn’t hurt that they’re usually quite physically attractive, in my opinion-- regardless of their age or body-type. (By the way, it's fine with me if any woman I date has kids because I like children (and cats and dogs, too, for that matter.) Beyond this, while it isn't crucial, it would be nice to find a woman who likes karaoke, too just like I do, and who maybe also has a good sense of humour. Oh, yes, two final things: I'm definitely not looking for an overly submissive or dependent woman, although it’s okay to be vulnerable and want to be taken care of somewhat--so long as you aren't an utter emotional wreck. Truly, I don't care about your past; I only care about you in the here and now and how we could love and support one another for the rest of our lives if we dare to make the commitment to do so. Ultimately, mutual kindness and sympathy will be the key to our romantic success, in my opinion! So, take a chance: check me out!
61 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 45
Eye wear:
Update. My upgraded membership has lapsed and I'll be travelling to the United States for a show for the next five weeks. It is my intention to upgrade my membership again upon my return; so if you receive interest from me or message me, I will be returning messages upon my return from the United States. I speak only English and would have a hard time getting to know someone who isn't at least conversant in English. Once we get to know each other, I'd love to learn Tagalog but I have no ability in it as of yet, so I'm sorry, if you're not conversant in English, that's a deal breaker. Hi there. I'm still working out the kinks in my profile, please bear with me. I have just upgraded my membership so that I am able to communicate with you. I'm not here just to send flirts or "I'm interested's" just for fun. I used to be a lawyer but I gave that up to become an actor and playwright. If you're looking for someone rich to send you money, I'm not your guy. If you're looking to start a new life in Canada and join with me on an adventure together... then we should talk:) If you are looking for someone younger than me, I'm sorry - I don't want you to think that I'm some creepy guy that's looking for a very young woman. I don't care about age (or money, for that matter). If you do, that's fine, and I wish you well. I'm looking for someone who thinks that the quiet company of someone who cares is more important than money or fancy cars. I live in Toronto, Canada, and am interested in meeting someone who either lives here or is willing to move here. I write plays and music, so I live what may be described as a frugal lifestyle. I feel that creating something is more important than consuming something. I am a playwright and composer. I've no time for people who are only interested in money. I used to have money but I gave that life up to follow my dreams. I'm looking for someone to share the rest of my life with, to follow our adventure. If you're in Toronto, Canada, that makes it easy, if you're not, but you'd like to come here, that's fine too. I'm looking for with someone who'd like to share quiet evenings with a glass of wine by candlelight, and who enjoys the creative process. I work in the theatre, so I live a life on the border at all times. Feel like joining me? One final note: I will not send money to someone I haven't met. I've had people ask me to do so, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm wasting my time here. I want to meet someone who would like a honest, loyal ; someone to share their life with. If you're willing to come to Canada to meet me in person, let me know. My schedule precludes my travelling outside of North America for now, as I am involved in theatre projects in both Canada and the United States and I'm booked until the end of June 2018. But if you're serious, and would consider coming here, message me:)

